Patriotism and Freedom

What is Patriotism?

Patriotism and Freedom; they are words in great use this time of year and especially so with this being a Presidential election year. You see these terms used in newspapers, television shows, speeches, and emails. Everyone seems to have some general conception of the words but few a solid grasp on their meaning. 

In this week’s issue of “Parade” magazine, the lead story was “What is Patriotism?” with both Barack Obama and John McCain giving their viewpoints. Senator Obama believes Patriotism calls for “Sacrifice for the Common Good” and Senator McCain calls Patriotism “A Cause Greater than Self-Interest.”

Another email that is popular this time of year describes the fates of those fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence and finishes with the statement “Freedom isn’t free.” It isn’t unusual to get this email with a missive calling for us to support the war effort in Iraq or Afghanistan.

What should someone make of these statements?  A Patriot is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “One who loves his country and zealously supports its authority and interests.” That definition seems close to what most people have in mind. In my experience, it’s the definition the Government believes most people should have. But are these definitions correct? 

Let’s start with the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence. What were their motives when they signed the Declaration? Certainly they weren’t supporting their King and country. In fact, according to the laws of England, they were traitors. They shouldered the risks to themselves and their families because they were resisting oppressive State power that sought to trample their Life, Liberty and Property. They were motivated by a sense of responsibility, out self-interest for themselves, their families, and their futures to resist Government abuse of power. A Patriot then is someone who rejects the notion that Patriotism means obedience to the State.

What about Freedom, what does it mean? If we are speaking of the individual and Government, I believe the best definition of Freedom is: Exemption or immunity from the arbitrary exercise of State and Government authority. Can anyone, including the Senators McCain and Obama claim we have this today? Name an aspect of your life and then list the rules and regulations the Government has imposed upon it. Do you want to travel overseas, conduct business with a foreign company, start a restaurant, or light some fireworks – everyone of these acts is controlled by Government and violations prosecuted by the State.

Today a citizen of the United States is treated as property of the State. Our actions tightly controlled and our output seen as property of the Government, to be allocated back to us as seen fit by those in power.

It is true “Freedom isn’t free!” It is also true Freedom cannot be maintained much less restored to its proper position without understanding that Patriots reject Government actions which go beyond securing Life, Liberty and Property. A Patriot believes people acting in their own interests are the best protectors of Freedom. And the use of force by Government can only be justified in protecting the rights of the individual.

Senators McCain and Obama have it wrong. We owe Government nothing. The role of Government as envisioned by those fifty-six Patriots of 1776 was not to create a monster to control us and the rest of the world, but a device to protect our liberties and freedoms – nothing more. Nothing more is needed.