Are You an Enemy of the State - I Hope So.....

What is it like to be continually under surveillance, to have every aspect of your life recorded, catalogued, and inspected? What if your whereabouts, your travels, and your most personal thoughts were being collected by the Government? Everyone you ever called everything you ever emailed, texted, twittered, put on your Facebook page or blog was scanned and observed by vast computer networks – every website you visited, every time you visited it – held forever in giant databases to be used against you at will.


What is it like to have a Government who believes in total situational awareness of every aspect of every human’s life – no matter where they live? What if your bank records, your Visa, MasterCard and PayPal purchases were all known by the Government? Every financial transaction logged and analyzed to determine what you like, who you do business with, what organizations, charities, political groups you support, where you travel, what you do, when you do it, what you eat, what you drink, how much you drink, how you dress, where you get your tattoos, what medications you use, what guns you buy, how much ammunition you use, what food storage supplies you have, what books you read – every dollar you ever spend tracked, recorded and analyzed for suspicious activity. Then if they really like you they start comparing all your information against anyone and everyone else they have any interest in. Then all it takes is one match, one coincidence and you become a person of interest – a potential enemy of the State.


Then what would it be like to know such a Government claimed the authority to eliminate anyone anywhere in the World who they believed was a threat to the Government’s Power and Authority?


Is this what Liberty and Freedom mean – to be observed every minute of your life? Or is this the 21st Century’s version of prison where you don’t need walls and barbed wire because everything there is to know about you and your life are known and controlled.


This scenario may sound like science fiction but is in fact the abysmal truth about life in the United States today. A country which has become a total surveillance society thanks to a Government and its alphabet of agencies such as the NSA, CIA, TSA, FBI and ATF  which believe they are the sole arbiter of everything and everyone, where the Individual is nothing and the State everything. A country where Individual Rights and the Rule of Law are touted as supreme by the State but in reality are ignored. A country where the Constitution was created to define and limit Government but has been gutted by those in Government who see themselves as the rulers of today’s world.


There is however one thing Government has overlooked – one thing they can never bury – one thing which will stand as a Light against their Darkness. The concept at the foundation of Western Liberty – the idea that the Individual has innate Rights – and these Rights are held as imprescriptible - they precede Government – and most importantly they need not the approval of Government nor can they be taken away by Government no matter what its pretended justification.


Since the actions of the Government of the United States show it denies these Rights there remains but one remedy for the People of the United States – starting over!  It is time for the 2nd American Revolution.